Hey there!

Thanks for your interest in grabbing my Badass Breakthrough Blueprint training.

I want to acknowledge and congratulate you for taking this step. I know it probably doesn’t feel like much, but it’s a bigger deal than you think.

It tells me that you’re invested in your own development and growth and that you aren’t going to sit around and wait for it to happen for you. Dammit, you’re gonna take the reins and create the reality and career you want! :)

This is a really wonderful thing. It means that you’re ready to start thinking about more for yourself.

Maybe you’re tired of being woken up by your alarm each morning and the accompanying sense of dread that follows as soon as you open your eyes and think, “Shit, I really don’t feel like going to work today.”

Or maybe you’re just coming off a 12-hour work-day, you’ve made dinner for your family and put your kids to bed and you’re too tired to even stay awake to Netflix and chill – THAT’S how completely drained and depleted you feel.

Or maybe you’re spinning your wheels, working hard, but still being passed over for that promotion or raise that Bob just got, even though he leaves work every day at 5pm and has 5 years less experience than you do.

Whatever the exact scenario, the bottom line is this: You don’t have to struggle to get what you want from your career. It doesn’t have to be so hard.

What if you could get the results you want with half the effort?

What if you could leave work at a reasonable time each day and have your nights and weekends free to be truly present with your family and friends?

What if your colleagues recognized your contributions and value without you having to bend over backwards to prove yourself and remind them of the work you did?

What if you truly felt confident about who you are and what you bring to the workplace?

What if you were paid what you’re actually worth?

All of these things are possible, I promise.

I know because I was once stuck in a career in a male-dominated industry where I worked ALL.THE.TIME., felt like I was on a constant hamster wheel and never had any time for myself.

In fact, I spent 15 years in Corporate America busting my ass so I could have a seat at the leadership table, only to get there and be rewarded with even more work. LOL.

I was successful by society’s standards.

But I was miserable.

And that’s when I decided to change things up.

I left Corporate America several years ago and started my own consulting and coaching firm.

One of the things I’m most passionate about is helping professional women get unstuck in their careers.

I empower women to lead with their natural talents so they can get the promotion, raise and respect they desire, and build professional lives that are congruent with their personal aspirations.

This work has resulted in my clients getting new jobs, moving to new countries and even a $100K salary increase for one badass woman.

Choosing to listen to my Badass Blueprint Breakthrough training is an amazing first step so that you can show up confidently and empowered and stand out in the workplace to get what you want.

I’m so excited to share what’s worked for me and countless other badass professional women.

So without further ado, go ahead and listen to the free training and get ready to unlock your inner badass!!

P.S. If you’re ready to build on the practices I teach in the Badass Breakthrough Blueprint training and think you could benefit from squashing the limiting beliefs, toxic behaviors and old stories that are holding you back (I mean, who wouldn’t benefit from that!?), you will also want to check out my 7 Day Boot Camp To Unlock Your Inner Badass.